Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Quayyuam-Abdul (Character Genre)

Character Genre

Name: Qayyuam-Abdul

- Male
- Arabian
- 26 years old
- Suit/Tie

College Professor, makes good money, very intelligent, well respected, very quiet, among the nerd crowd, doesn't know how to fit in with "normal" people, and upper-middle class.

Family Life

Quayyuam-Abdul has a very close relationship with his parents currently, after he had a major fall out with his parents after his sister Priya passed away. Now Quayyuam is a only child dealing with the loss of his sister Priya. He loses himself in his work to cope with his sisters death. He really want to try and understand death so he reads books about religions, and beliefs. He also likes to go hiking at different venues to clear his mind because it gives him peace, and relaxation.

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